Circular Quay Opera House Darling Harbour Walk

Asian Tourists, Hiding from the sun
Vampire Tourists Hiding from the Sun
After lunch at Cafe Opera, we went for a much needed stroll from Opera House to Darling Harbour. At a touristy pace it took us around 1.5 to 2 hours including stops and rests.

Sydney Conservatorium of Music, Statue of King Edward VII, King Edward horse
Sydney Conservatorium of Music
Sydney Harbour Bridge, View from Opera House
Harbour Bridge
Sydney Opera House Tourists, Matching couple outfit
Matching Outfit
Beautiful Clouds, White Clouds, Candy Floss Cloud, Blue Sky Could
Candy Floss
Sydney Opera House, Climbing stairs, the climb
The Climb
Circular Quay
Circular Quay
Harley-Davidson Iron 883, Sydney Iron 883
Iron 883 
Sydney Buses, Bus delay, Garbage truck
Waiting for the bus 
Darling Harbour, Darling harbour foot bridge
Darling Harbour
Chinese Garden of Friendship Sydney
Chinese Garden of Friendship
Sydney Central Station, Sydney central platform
Central Station


