旬採鮨処 Shunsai Japanese Restaurant Review - Taipei


Personal Favourite: Otoro - Supreme Tuna belly, one of the tastiest raw fish you can eat. All the seafood at 旬採鮨処 Shunsai are brought in fresh daily, with the majority air shipped from Japan. This ensures the ingredients are fresh, which is important when you are eating them raw.

旬採鮨処 Shunsai Japanese Restaurant Taipei Otoro
Another Favourite: Fugu Shirako - The milt of a blowfish. It takes great skill to knife up and remove the poisonous parts of a blowfish. The creamy blowfish milt is quite similar to sea urchin roe but without the fishy taste.

旬採鮨処 Shunsai Japanese Restaurant Taipei Fugu
Fugu Shirako, Japanese Mushrooms
旬採鮨処 Shunsai opened it's door in Jan 2011. An authentic traditional Japanese setting runs through the restaurant. Many chefs here are trained in Japan. Most of the ingredients are air shipped fresh from Japan. 旬採鮨処 Shunsai prides itself for the wide range of rare and unique ingredients they use.

旬採鮨処 Shunsai Japanese Restaurant Taipei
旬採鮨処 Xun Cai Yi Chu
旬採鮨処 Shunsai Japanese Restaurant Taipei
旬採鮨処 Shunsai Japanese Restaurant Taipei sea urchin
Sea Urchin
旬採鮨処 Shunsai Japanese Restaurant Taipei
Pacific Saury
Their prices are as follows.
Lunch                                    Dinner
AUD $45 per person                  AUD $70 per person
AUD $60 per person                  AUD $100 per person
AUD $80 per person                  AUD $130 per person

You can choose a pricing category and the chef will ask you if there is anything you don't eat and what you prefer. After that what they serve is up to the chef.

旬採鮨処 Shunsai Japanese Restaurant Taipei
旬採鮨処 Shunsai Japanese Restaurant Taipei Hokkaido Clams
Hokkaido Clams
旬採鮨処 Shunsai Japanese Restaurant Taipei
旬採鮨処 Shunsai Japanese Restaurant Taipei
Sashimi Shrimp
There is another dinning option that we went for, this has no pricing limit, the chef again asks you what you like and don't like, and will serve you dish after dish of their best ingredients of the day until you say stop. I was amazed at the food being served and have forgotten that I am already full, so we finally stopped at around 20 dishes. This meal costed us around AUD$170 per person. Not cheap but well worth it.

旬採鮨処 Shunsai Japanese Restaurant Taipei
旬採鮨処 Shunsai Japanese Restaurant Taipei
Something amazing but I forgot what it is
旬採鮨処 Shunsai Japanese Restaurant Taipei sashimi
旬採鮨処 Shunsai Japanese Restaurant Taipei
Chestnut and Ginkgo
Here the food is prepared the authentic way. Grilling is done over coal, not with a blow torch you see in so many other sushi restaurants. Wasabi is prepared freshly by hand with traditional shark skin board, not made in a factory with colours and flavouring.

旬採鮨処 Shunsai Japanese Restaurant Taipei Shark Skin Wasabi Board
Shark Skin Wasabi Board
旬採鮨処 Shunsai Japanese Restaurant Taipei Shark Skin Wasabi Board
Wasabi Board in action 
旬採鮨処 Shunsai Japanese Restaurant Taipei chef
Making Otoro Sushi
旬採鮨処 Shunsai Japanese Restaurant Taipei shushi
Quick and Efficient
The head chef was head hunted by the owner from a well established Japanese restaurant in Taipei.

旬採鮨処 Shunsai Japanese Restaurant Taipei Sushi
More Sushi
旬採鮨処 Shunsai Japanese Restaurant Taipei
Rice stuffed in a soft shell crab
旬採鮨処 Shunsai Japanese Restaurant Taipei Sushi
旬採鮨処 Shunsai Japanese Restaurant Taipei grilled fish
Succulent Grilled Fish
The staffs here are very friendly and love to share their knowledge. Here are two different types of sea urchins imported from Japan.

旬採鮨処 Shunsai Japanese Restaurant Taipei sea urchin
Two types of Sea Urchin - Purple and Green
旬採鮨処 Shunsai Japanese Restaurant Taipei sea urchin
Making Sea Urchin Sushi
旬採鮨処 Shunsai Japanese Restaurant Taipei sea urchin
Sushi in a bowl with Purple and Green Sea Urchins
Clam Miso Soup
And now time for dessert.

Sweet Egg
Seasonal Fruits
For more information on 旬採鮨処 Shunsai visit


